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Elcis Encoder India

Elcis Encoder

Elcis India

All Elcis encoders and transducers undergo rigorous testing to meet exacting UNI EN ISO 9001:200 standards. Tests include burn-in treatment, before and after assembly, for maximum reliability, as well as laser interferometer testing and alignment with sign-off and graphic illustrating declared precision and test values. This attention to detail and wide range of reliable products has earned Elcis its worldwide reputation for quality and value. we are supplier for Elcis encoder India.

Elcis Incremental Encoders

Elcis incremental shaft encoders’ wide range of resolutions and high operating frequency make them ideal for most applications. Elcis builds and tests each encoder to exacting standards. Encoders use several slots on each reticle to provide a stronger signal, yielding a smaller “jitter” as compared to competing encoders and making them less sensitive to small disc imperfections or environmental contaminants. Elcis’ differential method scanning assembly delivers a stable output signal even under varying power or temperature conditions. Encoders use a gallium arsenide LED light source rated for over 100,000 hours.

Elcis Absolute Encoders

Elcis Absolute Shaft Encoders are perfect for applications in which data acquisition occurs over longer period of time and where information accuracy is essential. Our absolute encoders automatically recognize the shaft position at first turn-on without a digital counter or return to zero. Parallel coding of concentric tracks at each angular position also make these encoders immune to electrical “noise.” Elcis Absolute Encoders are designed for both industrial and professional applications and built to withstand a variety of external agents such as moisture, dust, and oil.

Elcis Linear Transducers

Elcis is recognized around the world for the remarkable quality and accuracy built into each of its Linear Transducers. These durable and precise components are the result of the company’s ongoing research and years of experience. And with more than 40 models to choose from, whether rack and pinion, glass, cable and more, Elcis has a linear transducer to fit almost any application.

Elcis Encoder

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