Euchner Euchner STP3A-2131A024M


Euchner STP3A-2131A024M


Euchner STP3A-2131A024M

We are Euchner STP3A-2131A024M product supplier in India

ORDER NO. 091493

Safety switch STP with door monitoring contact

  • Actuating head made of metal
  • Auxiliary release on the front
  • With door monitoring contact

Approach direction

Horizontal and vertical

Can be adjusted in 90° steps

Solenoid operating voltage

  • AC/DC 24 V 10%, -15%

Guard locking type

STP3Closed-circuit current principle, guard locking by spring force. Release by applying voltage to the guard locking solenoid.

Switching element

2131Slow-action contact 2 Ö  1 S 1 Ö (door monitoring contact)

Auxiliary release

This is used for releasing the guard locking with the aid of a tool. To protect against tampering, the auxiliary release is sealed with sealing lacquer.

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Euchner STP3A-2131A024M

Euchner STP3A-2131A024M

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