HYDAC 0660 D 005 BH4HC

0660 D 005 BH4HC


0660 D 005 BH4HC

We are HYDAC Product supplier in India


Filter Element Pressure | 0660 D 005 BH4HC | 1253104

  • Betamicron® filter elements have been optimized with respect to filtration performance, in fluid cleanliness, lower ?P/Q, pleat and element protection while handling and operating, and high stability level throughout its life. These elements offer a superior level of optimization of separation efficiency, service life and differential pressure versus flow rate.
  • Optimized mesh pack structure maximizes the media area available to capture dirt particles and minimizes resistance to fluid flow. Optional SFREE mesh pack insures that static electricity will not be generated to dangerous levels where arcing can result
  • Improved performance (optimized Beta efficiency, contamination retention, ?P/Q characteristics and Beta stability) and lowered weight due to plastic spiral lock seam support tubes.
  • All plastic end caps and support tubes are carbon impregnated to conduct electricity, which ensures that static electricity will not be generated to levels high enough to arc
  • Element outer wraps are made of plastic (polyester) to reduce environment a impact and improve fatigue resistance.
  • Zinc-free construction prevents zinc soaping.
0660 D 005 BH4HC

0660 D 005 BH4HC

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