isolated analog input module X80 – 8 inputs – high speed

BMXAMI0810 Schneider Electric

This high level analog input module is part of the Modicon X80 modules. It has 8 isolated analog inputs (15 bits + sign). This module is connected via 28-way removable terminal block. The module offers different ranges of voltage or current for each of the inputs depending on configuration choice. It occupies a single slot on the rack and it has a case which provides IP 20 protection of the electronics.

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BMXAMI0810 Specification


Range of productModicon X80
Product or component typeAnalog input module
Electrical connection28 ways 1 connector
Isolation between channelsIsolated
Input levelHigh level
Analogue input number8
Analogue input typeCurrent +/- 20 mA
Current 0…20 mA
Current 4…20 mA
Voltage +/- 10 V
Voltage +/- 5 V
Voltage 0…10 V
Voltage 0…5 V
Voltage 1…5 V

BMXAMI0810 Schneider Electric

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