discrete output module X80 – 16 outputs – 24 V DC positive

BMXDDO1602 Schneider Electric

This discrete output module is part of the Modicon X80 modules. It has 16 transistor protected outputs, 24V DC. This module is connected via 20-way removable terminal block. It occupies a single slot on the rack and it has a case which provides IP 20 protection of the electronics.

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BMXDDO1602 Specification


Range of productModicon X80
Product or component typeDiscrete output module
Discrete output number16 conforming to IEC 61131-2
Discrete output typeSolid state
Discrete output logicPositive
Discrete output voltage24 V 19…30 V DC
Discrete output current0.5 A
Current per channel0.625 A
Maximum current per module10 A
Maximum leakage current0.5 mA at state 0
Maximum voltage drop<1.2 V at state 1
Insulation resistance> 10 MOhm 500 V DC
Power dissipation in W4 W
Response time on output1.2 ms
Paralleling of outputsYes : 2 maximum
Typical current consumption79 mA at 3.3 V DC
MTBF reliability410000 H
Protection typeExternal fuse reverse polarity protection
short-circuit protection
overload protection
overvoltage protection
Output overload protectionWith electronic circuit breaker 1.5 In < Id < 2 In
With current limiter
Output overvoltage protectionWith transil diode
Output short-circuit protectionWith 2 A external fuse
Reverse polarity protectionReverse mounted diode
Voltage detection threshold< 14 V DC preactuator fault
> 18 V DC preactuator at state 0
Maximum tungsten load6 W
Switching frequency0.5/LI² Hz
Load impedance ohmic> 48 Ohm
Status LED1 LED (green) module operating (RUN)
1 LED per channel (green) channel diagnostic
1 LED (red) module error (ERR)
1 LED (red) module I/O
Net weight0.12 kg

BMXDDO1602 Schneider Electric

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