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No, there are no hidden charges other than the price you see in the product description, while purchasing. We try our best to keep the transaction clear and fast and hassle free.
Yes. We provide great discounts and special price offers on bulk orders. You have to mail us an inquiry in our official email id [email protected] and our sales team will try to help you with the best prices for your multiple orders.
You can mail us your desired order in our official email id [email protected]. Once the order is ready, we will inform you to make the payment and henceforth, deliver your order.
The price of the products mentioned in the website is inclusive of all taxes and you need not pay any extra charges.
Your card will be debited right away, even if the product you choose is not in stock. On receipt of the order, we will send you, an acknowledgement about the delivery date of your order within one working day.
Your card will be debited right away, even if the product you choose is not in stock. On receipt of the order, we will send you, an acknowledgement about the delivery date of your order within one working day.
No, at the moment we do not offer “cash on delivery” payment option.
Yes, there will be a very small courier charges and All the orders are shipped through reputed courier/logistics partners.
No, you can buy as a normal buyer also. Our system will not ask you to log in to our website. However, we request you to register with us and open an account in rightmotions.com. This will help us in any future communications with you and it will be easy for you to track any of your past orders in the future.
At rightmotions.com, we have tie up with world’s top logistic partners like TNT , DHL , UPS and the delivery charges will be depending on the size and weight of order. However we always try to do our best to maintain economical delivery charges.
To avail other payment options, you have to send us an inquiry for your preferred product via our enquiry form and henceforth we will send you a formal quotation regarding payment.
We certainly work on other parts and can be your sourcing partner for any industrial parts you require. For that, all you have to do is, drop us an email at [email protected] and we will try our best to provide you the cost of that product and also the delivery time for that product.
Yes, you can buy a non-stocked item. You need to pay while processing your order. This means we can only accept the payment upfront and when the order is ready, we will send it to you. We accept only advance payment.
As a ‘logged in’ buyer, you can advance to the checkout stage and add the order to your credit account. After placing your order, you will receive an acknowledgement of your order stating the amount payable and also the expected delivery date.
We provide product delivery to over 200 countries in the world. We have a partnership with world’s top logistic partners like TNT , DHL , UPS and can deliver your order to any country where these companies can provide their service.
For transaction in AED , we use Payu Money as our payment gateway partner.
For International user, we accept your payment in US Dollars through “PayPal” as the payment gateway.