Safety light curtains
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PILZ Safety light curtains
Safety light curtains

PILZ Safety light curtains
For ideal access protection
Pilz safety light curtains, PSENopt and PSENopt II, are efficient and economical tools that can protect both your staff and capital goods. By employing an invisible infra-red protected field, danger zones can be shielded and optimum access protection can be achieved. Pilz product line boasts a wide selection of safety light curtains, which are ideal for production processes that require active intervention. In addition to these curtains, we offer complete solutions that integrate our safety controllers with Pilz and draw upon our well-established expertise in the field of safe automation. These products allow for the best possible protection of your personnel and machinery while maintaining efficiency and affordability.
Safety light curtains for safe intervention in the production process
Electrosensitive protective equipment, such as the safety light curtains PSENopt / PSENopt II, have been specifically designed for applications where material is frequently transported in and out, or the access point is directly located in the danger zone. This advanced equipment provides a flexible and secure intervention in the production process.
Once installed on access and intervention points, the safety light curtains constantly monitor the danger zone. In the event of detecting any object or person in the protected field, the light beam is deactivated, and an immediate safe shutdown command is executed. The operator can assess the core reasons for the machine stoppage by using LEDs, preventing unwanted downtime. The functions such as muting, blanking and cascading offer a vast array of application options.
Therefore, the Pilz light curtains are apt for a wide range of applications and industries, including manual workstations, access guarding on conveyors, or material handling in robotics.
Benefits of our safety light curtains
- Safe, barrier-free access
- Increased productivity due to reduced downtimes
- Fast, simple installation
- Protected fields can be individually configured
- User-friendly diagnostics via LEDs